Monday, October 27, 2008

Hot Nude Yoga Has It's Way

Sorry for the long delay, dear readers. I've been job hunting, scheduling performances and developing my yoga practice.

So, I finally worked up the courage to go to Aaron Star's Hot Nude Yoga, figuring it was safer to do a lunchtime class with bright, protective sunlight showing me the, er, naked truth of a yoga practice with all gay men (although all are welcome).

My reservations were not having the right body type, surrounded by snickering Chelsea boys with 'tude.

I'm very happy to say that is not the case.

Upon entering, I admitted to the instructor that I'm kind of nervous and he said in hsi gentle way, "that's part of it." I undressed, we all undressed, all eight of us. There was an overweight grey bearded Jewish man who announced that here he is with his big fat tucas.

The class was good, the pushups the most strenuous aspect, chanting while we did poses. At one point we were all grabbing our ankles in a kind of horse stance-like squat, me staring up the butt in front of me. Then I realized there was someone behind me doing th3e exact same thing. A bit disconcerting, but not a problem.

Afterwards the instructor hugged me, other men said "hi" and asked my name and there was no attitude at all.

I feel I've come upon a new, gentler world.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Revelations and Me Getting In My Own Way

Last Sunday, August 17, I attended my first 90 minute yoga session, led by the owner of Yoga To The People. I had some wonderful moments-like being in child's pose (see photo above) and feeling a connection/vibration I had not achieved before. I resolved to really focus on breath and find the inner strength to endure whatever this tough instructor and class bring.

The result was intense bliss afterwards. I felt my mind and body engulfed by honey sparkle sunshine. I could not help but smile.

Let me back up to the previous Wednesday class at Three Jewels. I had a session with Lisa-and I was the only student! The thing I love about Lisa is her knowledge of bringing deeper integrity to your pose and helping you stretch a bit further. Some poses like camel (see below) don't have to involve extreme backbending to be the most effective. I think I can study with Lisa for years, she is so open and knowledgable.

Now to my lapses, not in yoga practice, but in diet. After my sessions at YTTP, I'll go to my fave bar, d.b.a., where my friend Tawnya works.

Well, I did this last night and hung out with Tawnya till the wee hours. Of course, I am paying for it today. I've already administered Motrin to my affected area-the throbbing cabeza (head).

I meant to detox and live clean, I meant to quit coffee, I mean to.....blah! Blah! BLAH! Truth is I'm kind of afraid to detox, quit coffee and knock out a huge chunk of my social life by stopping the drinking.

But I'm going to do it!

There have got to be creative alternatives to meeting people in bars and drinking to have fun or enhance sex. And I will still be fun and more productive. I just booked my new untitled musical for next year, I have a solo art show coming up on September 11 and my monthly variety show. In keeping with a gentler way of living, I'm changing the name of my show. It is presently called The Sexahol Revue. Don't worry readers, I will let you know the new name soon!

I love what yoga is doing to my whole self and its time to embrace this adventure.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Catch Up and It Gets Complex

I don't know the symbolism, but I just like this picture.

I've been very busy with my NYC whirlwind of activity and it seems the more open I become from my yoga, more opportunities for-well everything-opens up for me.

Out of nowhere, I was contacted from an old massage listing to do bodywork (that's unlicensed massage) for a yoga studio in Queens. The owners are terrific people and we're on the same spiritual page. They want me to do bodywork with healing and give whatever psychic impressions I have to offer-yay! I've been trying to do that for years, but would only get those iffy Craigs List pervs who want "happy ending." No thank you. Yes to Yogatonic!

I'm doing my yoga every other day and tightening up much to my pleasure. Today I opened a Chinese fortune cookie that said "You are pretty." I am dammit, I am!

So recently I attended a talk on the Tibetan Vayus, different flows of energy that occur while you are doing yoga and even different emotions you can focus on to unblock in your body.

I am reaaaallly not qualified (or able) to write about the subject but enjoyed it thoroughly. It was held at the Three Jewels by (I guess I call him) a guru and his partner, Shyam and Christine. I don't mean to sound trite but I am very wary of people with a lot of knowledge who tell you how to run your life, even if they are right. I mean, they were nice people, yet seemingly cliqueish and unapproachable. I could almost see the protective wall of "stay over there, thank you!" maybe they're shy. These, of course, are my biased, emotional opinions, not based in reality, but first emotional impressions-random thoughts. (If I just gave you the lukewarm facts, then this wouldn't be an honest blog, would it?) I'm coming from a place of, if you are truly spiritual, gentle and open, then I believe we should connect, however brief-maybe a glance. Still a decent talk that I learned a lot from. Maybe one day I will have the chance to look directly into this guru's eyes and we can both connect and nod knowingly. Do you hear me, Shyam? I hear you.

Here is a link to a bunch of complicated Buddhist stuff:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Bit of Spirituality - I'm Starting to Get It!

Three Jewels with Lisa - and only one other student.

Firstly, I am thankful for an intimate class. If it was my choice, I would have my own private teacher, something I've always had with other belief systems I have been involved with. But, there's something to be said for anonymity in a larger class, no singling out, less pressure.

So we start with some meditation and chanting to Hindu deities. Lisa is using some kind of floor accordion that opens and closes from one side (I will get the name). We dedicate our session to someone that needs it and we do an honoring of a teacher from our past.

I chose a spiritual brother/teacher who passed over about 15 years ago, Shadow. He was a marine sergeant, Special Ops in Viet Nam, a spiritualist priest and strong in Native American ways-all things he taught and passed on to me.

This is another thing I love about Three Jewels, you dedicate your healing Yoga (and its struggle) to someone who needs it and you can call in a long lost teacher back into your life, continuing to benefit from their experiences. It shows me yoga has its own universal center where all belief systems have a common ground.

This session proved to be strong and fulfilling. I can't say "as usual" because every session is different, because I come in with different things each time. I did surprise myself because I was able to do Wheel asana (see photo).

Lisa high fived me, still twisted upside-down.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

First Changes In My Diet

Last week I made a list of foods that I could live with and begin the diet transformation process. Okay, I really don't want to give up coffee (yet) and will honor the wishes of my body as I edge toward cleaner living.

Next stop-Whole Foods where I made my way to the skinless, organic chicken (about $3.-$4 for 4 drumsticks or 2 legs), I got Tamari gluten free, low sodium soy sauce, brown rice syrup (surprisingly delicious!) as a honey substitute, hummus, pita and organic yogurt-to have in the morning with cut up fruit and the rice syrup. I also bought an organic beer because I LOVE good beer. All my vegetables and fruits were purchased in Brooklyn while visiting my brother-so incredibly inexpensive. I will try to switch to the organic stuff when I get back to work.

Like I said, I am easing into the new lifestyle, so occasionally I will eat eggs with cheese for breakfast or have non-organic fowl like the turkey I ate today with the skin. If I eat really well for most of the week, I don't feel bad about lapsing on the weekend.

I almost forgot one of my most important purchases-Quinoa (keen-wah) a South American super healthy grain that takes on the flavor of whatever you put in it. I made mine (1/2 cup quinoa to 1 cup water) with cut up beets, Tamari and chopped garlic. It was surprisingly really delicious! When I needed to snack later after the grapes I bought didn't fill me up, I ate the rest of the quinoa.

Keeping up with my yoga practice is what makes my body want these healthy things. For the first time in my life I naturally desire the better foods.

I hear that miso soup helps when you want to suppress a craving-coming up next!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Three Jewels 2 - A Spiritual Infusion and Complex Poses

Last Wednesday I made my way over to 4th Ave. To my current Yoga home base, Three Jewels. I had a wonderful conversation with the young lady working behind the counter, Laura. As usual, everyone there was open, kind and attentive-in the moment.

Our instructor Lisa shows up a bit late. She radiates Earth Motherliness and has long, Rasta-ey hair-something I really love.

The class consisted of 3 women and myself and we began with a 15 minute meditation, receiving from an important teacher in our lives, dedicating our Yoga to the healing of a specific individual.

The physical part of the session was nice and intense. I was able to do the Crow asana, which is achieved by putting your hands flat on the floor, hooking your thighs into your arms, lifting legs and feet above the floor-and I was able to do it

Surprised the heck out of me! I also did a shoulder stand (kind of easy for me) and a head stand which I held for a minute.

Now, dear readers, I am not trying for Beijing here, as I've said before, Yoga is not a competitive sport. Its about finding your own integrity in each pose and also finding your edge, that point that makes you try a little harder and grow while feeling comfortable in your pose.

The instructor, Lisa, is a true healer. She assisted in helping us extend our poses and actually laid hands on us if we needed or so desired.

It took me a while to "come back" after the class. When I finally did, I was all blissed out, beaming like a roadside bodhisatva, one with the tree behind him.

Then I was off to a drag queen art show in Soho. Such is the life of a New Yorker.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yoga To The People

Referred by my very talented dancer/choreographer friend Angela Harriell (, I made my way to St. Marks place to the most moderately priced "Yoga To The People" ( for a Vinyasa style class.

I arrived 20 minutes early at YTTP which was a good thing for the space soon filled up with 36 people - young and trendy at that! I was definitely the oldest guy in the room, but not out of place. I was also very happy that all the guys took their shirts off, not just to look at, but more to have permission to take mine off. Ahhh.

The session is led by Nikki, very nice and accomodating. The temperature outside was a very humid 87 degrees and I was sweating like a melting ice pop - there was diminishing Romanian Jewdrops all over my body, shorts and mat. My mat becomes so slippery that I am doing the Downward Dog asana (which means "pose"), my feet are sliding and sloshing around and I'm gripping the front of the mat, with my butt pointed in the air, for dear life. I feel like I'm at a water park ride gone awry.

Luckily, Nikki is checking our poses and I eek out my mat complaint. She gets me a non slip one and all is well. Yay, Nikki!

The class turns out to be not only trendy, but a rigorous workout, the toughest thus far and I loved it!

I did find a slight bit of competitive attitude. I heard a little "Ooh, your poses are so graceful," a Yoga no-no,but all in all a wonderfully crafted session and I will be back.