Monday, August 18, 2008

Catch Up and It Gets Complex

I don't know the symbolism, but I just like this picture.

I've been very busy with my NYC whirlwind of activity and it seems the more open I become from my yoga, more opportunities for-well everything-opens up for me.

Out of nowhere, I was contacted from an old massage listing to do bodywork (that's unlicensed massage) for a yoga studio in Queens. The owners are terrific people and we're on the same spiritual page. They want me to do bodywork with healing and give whatever psychic impressions I have to offer-yay! I've been trying to do that for years, but would only get those iffy Craigs List pervs who want "happy ending." No thank you. Yes to Yogatonic!

I'm doing my yoga every other day and tightening up much to my pleasure. Today I opened a Chinese fortune cookie that said "You are pretty." I am dammit, I am!

So recently I attended a talk on the Tibetan Vayus, different flows of energy that occur while you are doing yoga and even different emotions you can focus on to unblock in your body.

I am reaaaallly not qualified (or able) to write about the subject but enjoyed it thoroughly. It was held at the Three Jewels by (I guess I call him) a guru and his partner, Shyam and Christine. I don't mean to sound trite but I am very wary of people with a lot of knowledge who tell you how to run your life, even if they are right. I mean, they were nice people, yet seemingly cliqueish and unapproachable. I could almost see the protective wall of "stay over there, thank you!" maybe they're shy. These, of course, are my biased, emotional opinions, not based in reality, but first emotional impressions-random thoughts. (If I just gave you the lukewarm facts, then this wouldn't be an honest blog, would it?) I'm coming from a place of, if you are truly spiritual, gentle and open, then I believe we should connect, however brief-maybe a glance. Still a decent talk that I learned a lot from. Maybe one day I will have the chance to look directly into this guru's eyes and we can both connect and nod knowingly. Do you hear me, Shyam? I hear you.

Here is a link to a bunch of complicated Buddhist stuff:

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