Monday, July 14, 2008

Yoga To The People

Referred by my very talented dancer/choreographer friend Angela Harriell (, I made my way to St. Marks place to the most moderately priced "Yoga To The People" ( for a Vinyasa style class.

I arrived 20 minutes early at YTTP which was a good thing for the space soon filled up with 36 people - young and trendy at that! I was definitely the oldest guy in the room, but not out of place. I was also very happy that all the guys took their shirts off, not just to look at, but more to have permission to take mine off. Ahhh.

The session is led by Nikki, very nice and accomodating. The temperature outside was a very humid 87 degrees and I was sweating like a melting ice pop - there was diminishing Romanian Jewdrops all over my body, shorts and mat. My mat becomes so slippery that I am doing the Downward Dog asana (which means "pose"), my feet are sliding and sloshing around and I'm gripping the front of the mat, with my butt pointed in the air, for dear life. I feel like I'm at a water park ride gone awry.

Luckily, Nikki is checking our poses and I eek out my mat complaint. She gets me a non slip one and all is well. Yay, Nikki!

The class turns out to be not only trendy, but a rigorous workout, the toughest thus far and I loved it!

I did find a slight bit of competitive attitude. I heard a little "Ooh, your poses are so graceful," a Yoga no-no,but all in all a wonderfully crafted session and I will be back.

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